Saturday, April 05, 2014

Hazrat Moosa A.S | Hazrat Musa History In English

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Hazrat Musa A.s was a messenger of God. He was sent to the people's of Bani Israel for the proclaiming of Islam. He was born in Egypt on 1571 BC. A soothsayer had as of recently told Firoun that a child kid is going to born in Bani Israel and he will pulverize Pharaoh too. So Firoun slaughtered all new conceived child young men from the Bani Israel country. To spare Musa from Firoun, his mother place him in a midsection and put that midsection in the River Nile to stream him far from the town.

The monarch of Firoun discovered him in the stream Nile and took him to her stronghold. She brought him up in the manor. HE had a delicate corner for the Bani Israel group, so he cleared out everybody and everything and in this way moved to Madeen. There Hazrat Shoaib dealt with him and masterminded Moosa's marriage with his girl. Following 12 years, when he was coming back with his wife, Allah provided for him the obligation of a messenger throughout the excursion.

Allah provided for him the obligation to lecture Islamic qualities to Firoun. In any case Firoun declined to acknowledge those proclaiming and turned into a foe of Hazrat Moosa. Firoun battled with Hazrat Moosa A.s with the assistance of his conjurers. To face valiantly the enchanted forces of Firoun, Allah entitled Moosa A.s with additional mysterious quality. Finally, when Firoun got beyond any doubt about his otherworldly powers, every one of them grasped Islam and left the armed force of Firoun. After that he relocated to Egypt alongside the individuals of Bani Israel and arrived at Nile River. There God helped him crossing the stream by partitioning it into two parts and Moosa AS crossed the waterway securely with his adherents. Firoun with his armed force was emulating him. At the point when the Firoun and his armed force was amidst the waterway Nile, with the requests of Almighty Allah, the stream recovered its place and the Firoun alongside his armed force suffocated without a moment's delay in the waterway to death. Hazrat Musa passed on 1451 BC. Firoun's dead body is still present in exhibition hall of Cairo.

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