Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Don't Name Your Resume File "Resume" And Other Resume Tips Here

Don't name your resume file "Resume" (resume tips

<!-- adsense --!> 1. Don't name the file "Resume" or any variation of that. After experiencing 100 resumes, I had a short list of 20 candidates that I required to whittle down to 5 or 10 individuals to interview. I went through the directory searching for the 20 resumes to survey again in more detail, and could just discover 14. I'm expecting the other 6 are some place the non specific mass of 30 or thereabouts files titled "Resume" or something to that effect, but I'll be doomed in case I'm going to wade through them all to check. Your resume file name ought to start with your actual name!

2. Don't make me span to the third page to discover your past experience. In the event that your pastimes, education and "strengths" are listed before your work experience, I'll expect you don't have any. That's fine for entry level jobs, but when the position obliges 3 or more years of relevant experience, in the event that I expect you don't have that before the end of the first page of your resume, I'm shutting the file and proceeding onward.

3. In case you're applying to a job posted on Linkedin, and you don't have a resume file attached to your profile for the recruiter to download, you're most likely not getting recognized for the job. I don't give a second thought how great your Linkedin profile is, attach a resume when you seek a job.

4. Resumes ought to be 2 pages as short as could reasonably be expected, but as long as they have to be to pass on what's important. One extra page for a cover letter is fine, but never provide for me a two page cover letter, in light of the fact that I'm in a hustle. For entry level and lesser positions, anything more than 2 just appears to be indulgent, and makes me think you can't prioritize, anything short of what two pages just appears to be wrong for reasons unknown. (Entry level individuals who have little or no experience, make it exactly 1 page, and in case you're requisitioning a senior management position, make it as long as you have to.)

5. Different job sites attach the cover letter differently. For Workopolis, the cover letter is implanted in the email they...

Just follow my rules and please don't make your resume so boring that get you out of the job you applied for... It's a lifetime chance when someone get call or message from the company that you are approved for interview and come here show us your everything and experience. That's it. 

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