Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nahjul Balagha In English Translation Download PDF Format ~ By Urdu9.Com


Nahj al Balagha is a gathering of 241 sermons, 79 letters, and 489 articulations. According to every new distributed versus past volumes, the amount of sermons, letters and expressions has changed from 238 to 241, 77 to 79, and 463 to 489, respectively[citation needed].

The book describes from Ali on a wide assortment of themes, going from the production of the World, the making of Adam, finish of the Universe and the landing of Imam al-Mahdi.

Sunni Views on Nahjul Balagha:

As with the majority of posthumous works of Shia theology that emerged centuries after the life of Muhammad, Sunni scholars do not regard the Nahj al-Balagha as authentic. According to one Shi‘i source, the first person to raise doubts about its attribution to Ali was Ibn Khallikan, a Sunni scholar (d. 1211/1282). Izz al-Din ibn Hibatullah ibn Abi l-Hadid's (d. 656/1258) commentary and collection, Sharh Nahj al-Balagha, is widely disseminated. Muhammed Abduh, Mufti of Egypt, published a commentary on the book in Egypt.

Source: Wikipedia

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